Monday, 28 April 2008

I should really learn.

Its probably dedication, I keep tell myself its dedication and not leaving it to the last minute to complete something, no matter how important. I have to be honest I have been working since 11 this morning and its just 1 now.. Im waiting for some spraypaint to dry then its mount mania for lucas in the ol' sketchbook. Apparently my style is very scrapbook which ill agree with according lorenzo (LCAD 2nd year tutor) which I guess is a compliment..? Anyway..

I think the plan tomorrow is to get up early(ish) and meet anna at college early to get cracking, get a full day in and lots done for FMP (Development presentation in there somewhere too) and before sara comes on tuesday evening (yay) Some of the stuff might not look that impressive yet, but you have to see it in the final product like it is in my mind. I got really excited creating some of the effects which sounds really sad, just what I wanted to, going really well. Here's an image experimentation..

So thats where all the ink for my fat marker went.. (I have a new found love for those things) You wait till I get a loan. Watch out coverage!

Anyway thats it for now. Back to the grind..

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