BBQs! got to love them.. went to my parents which is always good, and ate too much as always. good times. Lots of cycling today going to and from work and my parents which is amazing in this weather. I do recommend it. Its fun until..

You get a massive puncture :( Not too fun walking 4 miles home pushing your bike. I wasnt fussed anyway because I had too much to drink.. (dont laugh) Although on the way home I did see a cool Anchor advert billboard. Unfortunately it was too dark and far away for a good picture so I found something similar on the net which is just as good. I really like the simple build up of layers for the grass and the typography. The website is really good too, if you apprechiate good web design..
http://www.thefreerangebutter.co.uk/Sorry if its a little distorted, darn internet images.
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