I found these in the window of a bakery in leeds when I was visiting Sara, they look so creepy! but kinda cool at the same time.. Leeds was fun as always even if its just walking round shops and things. later.. we got tapas for a tenner! brilliant..
Yummm yumm :) like the best meal in ages, all you can eat at la tasca. definitely doing that again soon.
When I was back I got some posters printed for my final show on a2 and they look sweeeet! three for £27 which worked out pretty good.. plenty more goodies to come too.
With an evening free I managed to go see Joni, tim and fiona (L-R) near the helmlock stone for some sort of crazy free music festival, which turned out to be quite good! the first summer evening of the year too. super warm drinking pints of real ale.. I couldnt have too much because I had to ride home :S not cool..
Ice creams at work! Cliff was a little left out, so I left half on his car for later for him :D Took and absolute age to get it off the windscreen.. was really funny though.
Anna's vinyl came to college while we put the show up.. It was amazing! super huge and really well printed. Got loads of attention at the show and was well worth it. Well done anna!
I havent been to dad's allotment in ages so I went for a look and see whats cracking off, bless him he loves it. Next door was some crazy old man that had made a shelter from literally rubbish! really freaky and interesting..
The Show is done! time to burn off some steamm... why not invest in some quality time on GH3 and get a new high score? Sorry I had to..
The show day! jeeez what a day.. It started off first in the morning and I had to drop my bike off so I didnt end up leaving it there for days and getting it stolen.. oh dearrr.. While I was out, someone broke into our house, took two consoles a laptop, ipod and a massive stack of dvds :( and probably my bike if it was there. I was so unbelievably lucky because Sara was in bless her in my room. The burglar probably opened my room door, took one look at her and left her alone along with all my stuff! I could of lost like 10,000 pictures (literally 10,000) my laptop, ipod, CAMERA, tv etc etc etc.. the list goes on. Im so thankful she was alright and I still had my stuff still. Gutted about everything else though.. its all covered so we'll be alright. Only material items gone which is an upside. ANYWAYYY. Back to the show.. Everything was up and people came. It was kind of a success.. I quite liked my show, but I had been looking at it for 12 weeks so I was really sure what to expect as a reaction towards it. The balloon on the display was a present with a bottle of cider tied to it. Get in! was brilliant.
Results! A week or so later we had our results for the course. For my FinalMajorProject I got DDD (triple distinction) which is wicked :D and overall I got DDM (two distinctions and a high merit) which is really good, im really proud of it. Everyone else did really well and got what they wanted, so well done!
Bit of camera phone photography.. looks quite nice. i went a little over the top that day but this is my favourite.. Nothing wrong with a few flowers?
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