Well.. time for a super update on the ol' blog. I have to admit my attempts recently have been a little thin on the ground, but not to worry, by the end of this post I should have pretty much everything up to date. Ok firstly Visual thinking the new rota'd time in on tuesday afternoon.. At first I thought it would be just time taken away from the rest of the course but its actually quite a good afternoon to work with paper in a raw form, something I haven't really worked with in the past. So, heres the pictures.. We had to visualise different words and phrases within paper shapes and a fixed amount of colours.
'Bright bounce'

'Simple bear'
'Harsh Penguin'

(From L-R) 'Line', 'squash', 'comfortable', 'lost', 'snap', 'dance'
NEXT. Plastic recycling is booming in the UK. quite an interesting brief to form three high impact posters based around the quote from the news paper.. from the work we had done the monday to do with combining image and type, it worked well as a basis for ideas to be produced.. There was limitations with the outcomes which i'll moan about in a minute, grr. Anyway, ideas -
Lots of little ideas on a5 sheets to be a basis of the posters.
Open, closed questions. Fact and opinions
Symbols created.

Selection of development for the posters.

NOW. We weren't allowed to use black and white in our designs which is fair enough.. but the annoying thing is I actually havent, but still caught up on it. The bags are blue, the text was green and the 'maths' poster the stock was allowed according to Amber but then turns out not to be. Not impressed. Although, that aside, probably my favourite pieces so far on the course. It was good to think that these were created with illustrator, a program I would usually be scared of using, but they came out alright yes?
Mailshots is the new brief at the moment we are conquering, based around the recycling briefs i have had previously. To produce a mailshot to be sent to relevant people, I have some goooood ideas, but nothing really to post as yet, so you'll have to hang on for that. x
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