Thursday, 18 December 2008


Bit of fun, cakes on the last day before christmas devised by amber, Mine is the bottom one, not great but it did taste really nice. People were put off by the bottle of green food colouring I used for each of the green cakes..

Sunday, 14 December 2008


 So yet again another blog update to do when ive left the blog alone for too long.. Well pretty chilled few weeks for the work in some cases, but the recent brief turned out quite good. 'What if?' was the title and we had to devise a problem from the previous research in the brief (research from a theme devised from 100 photographs taken) in a nut shell. Our problem in my group (Martyn Woolley, Sophie Robinson, Rebecca Liggins and myself) was that leeds isnt happy enough from all the research we did.
From this, and the questionnaires formed we tried to solve the problem directly from the answers 'what makes you smile?' answers included smiling from other people, comedy and other related answers. the solution was really only based around photographs I took with art direction.. they came out quite good. Check emmm-

look alright don't they? Going for more of a natural smile than something that may look forced.. and I think we did it well.