Thursday, 12 February 2009

100 brief, final crit.

You can take feedback in loads of different ways, wherethe its just opinions or if its actually constructive. Had my feedback earlier today for the carton book contraption and i got some really useful feedback. David Gasi and Boysie Sands gave me my feedback which I'm really happy with, feedback I can use and work from. Anyway! what they said..

'large quantity of focused secondary research, extensive collection of exciting bottles/cans/branding. Good collection of health affect related material. Fair amount of primary research, could use some more.'

'Good evidence of development process, focused but maybe more variations could be helpful. i.e. more visual exploration of book in container concept'

I agree with what's been said here, I think when creating the container, and the short brain storm, one on level I thought that a carton (because of its shape and capacity) was the only way to go under the time frame. Maybe research more into different concepts, even if it was a few pages to atleast show the experimentation. I think I'm going to add some drawings towards the back or my book to show I have now considered this.

'Understand the design process, shows progression, develop container box, show contextual understanding, but maybe fruit juice is under represented for resolution, but with soft-drink content.'

Again highlighting the previous point with the relation of the softdrink content and the fruit juice carton, although some facts do relate, its not as strong so ill look into other packaging as ideas.

Good exploration, physical, but very direct to resolution. More conceptual work required, but is evident in design sheet. More design sheets?'

True, for my final net I did only trace the net dimensions and recreate it, wherethe I could of changed the dimensions so it was more of a book shape? more page layouts?

'Good effort! Expand variations, concepts, its very focused again.'

This point covers my views of the project. Its become too focused again which I have a tendency of doing with my work, as soon as I get an idea, just jump onto it, which is wrong! I need to experiment more. I really want to do well next module.

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